Boho Factory


Our name Boho Vesper reflects our design philosophy, an "unconventional beauty", by making reference to the Greek goddess of love and beauty Venus and the bohemian way of life.
bo·ho [boh-hoh] noun, plural bo·hos, adjective

noun bohemian: a mecca for bohos and arty types.
adjective unconventional, bohemian: boho fashion trends.

ves·per [ves-per] noun, plural ves·pers, adjective

noun the evening star, especially Venus; Hesper.

Anton Raphael Mengs,
Hesperus as Personification of the Evening


The Boho Vesper Logo is called the Rose of Venus. It's the pentagonal orbit of the Planet Venus during the 8 year long interval between the two Venus Transits that comes in pairs every 121.5 years. A Venus Transit is when we can see Venus passing directly in front of the Sun.